Post Office CASS certification (USA)

CASS certification is required by the US post office to obtain bulk rates and is based on the content of your data. There is a web page at USPS that explains this.

Theatre Manager provides the tools to help your database become CASS certified

  • bar code printing with supplied font
  • conversion of the text within the address to uppercase
  • conversion of items like Road to RD and Street to ST
  • export of data from TM
  • import of corrections into TM

CASS certification is not actually for the software, it is for CONTENTS OF THE DATA in a database.

It means that each database of addresses needs to be CASS certified and verified annually. When that is done, you get a certificate about YOUR DATA that allows your venue to have the bulk rate for subsequent mailings. This means you can do it once a year.

The process is generally to:

  • fix/merge all your current data
  • export all data
  • send to a mail house to get your data CASS certified
  • import address corrections
    • and that will CASS certify your venue's data for the year (because your data was through the process)