Adding Favorite Seats from the Patron Window

Once you have added a patron to a season package, the patron's favorite seats can be assigned. Favorite seats indicate the location the patron wishes to sit in, as well as the price and promotion, to be used for the season subscription.

To add favorite seats to a season package from the patron window, you perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Patron Window.

    For more information on how to access the Patron Window click here.

  2. Select the Season tab in the Patron Record. Then select the season package to add the favorite seats to.

    For more information on the Season tab click here.

  3. Click the Open button.

    The Subscription Detail window opens.

    For more information on the Subscription Detail window click here.

  4. Edit the Desired Seats field to match the number of seats the patron requires in the season package.
  5. Highlight the seats the patron wants for their Subscription.

    You select seats by using the mouse to drag a box over the preferred seats, or by holding the <SHIFT> key and clicking each seat.

  6. Choose the correct Promotion and Price Code for the subscription.
  7. Click the Add Seat button.

    The seats are added to the Seat Selection area of the Patron Subscription Detail window.

    For more information on the Seat List area click here.

  8. The patron now has favorite seats within the control house. The seats can be seen in the seating section of the Subscription Detail window on the left. The seats are also indicated on the map represented by a lower cases. The patron is now ready to book their season subscription.