Selected Tickets Tab

The Batch Printing window allows for the final options to be set prior to printing a batch.

Parts of the Batch Printing Selected Tickets Tab

The Ticket Counts tab gives a summary of the items in the batch. Additional final options can also be set prior to printing the batch. For more information on the Ticket Counts tab, click here.
Order # The Order number associated with the item.
Patron # The Patron Number to whom the tickets were sold.
Last Name The last name of the patron.
First Name The first name of the patron
Company The company of the patron.
Event/Play The event the item is for.
Performance The performance the item is for.
Qty The quantity of the item.
Section The section the ticket is in.
Row # The row number the ticket is in.
Seat # The seat number the ticket is in.
PC The price code that was used with the ticket.
Promotion The promotion that was used with the ticket.
Starts the printing of the batch.

Other Fields Not Shown

Total The total price of the ticket.
Date Printed The date the tickets were printed. Normally blank, but if the tickets were previously printed, their original print date would appear here.
Date The date of the performance.
Time The time of the performance.
Play/Event Title The play or event title.
Ticket # The serial number of the ticket.
Notes Any order notes for the selected ticket.