Accounting Tab

The Accounting tab allows changes to the company's accounting formats. Adjustments to the fiscal year and accounting format can be made here.

General Accounting Information

Fiscal Year This is the fiscal year that the company is currently in. This can be altered by clicking in the field and retyping the year if it is wrong.

If you are ending one fiscal year and beginning another, you must use Year End Rollover (instead of changing the fiscal year.

Month Start This is the month that the company's new fiscal year starts in. This can be altered by clicking in the field and retyping the month. If the fiscal start month is changed after sales information has been posted to the General Ledger accounts, it may be necessary to Recalculate General Ledger Totals.
Refer to complete instructions if you plan to change the last month of your fiscal year end. The general steps are below:
  • Make sure your end of day is done
  • Save your fiscal year end database
  • Change the 'Month' for your fiscal year end
  • Do your year end rollover right away before processing any further transactions
Store Years As - Start If selected: the year stored in the GL will be the year at the beginning of the fiscal year. i.e. 2015/2016 fiscal year dates will be stored as 2015. This also applies to the data in the supporting records.

For example a donation with fiscal year of 2016 means that the donation will be for the 2016-2017 season. You would search for donations in 2016 to find them.

Store Years As - End If selected: the year stored in the GL will be the year at the end of the fiscal year. i.e. 2015/2016 fiscal year dates will be stored as 2016.

For example, a gift certificate in the 2013-2014 year will be marked as 2014 (the end of the fiscal year). You would search for gift certificates for year 2014 to find them)

Internal Account Number Format

Account # Format Allows the account number to be up to 15 digits, excluding dashes, in any combination of numbers and dashes.
Export Format Select the Export Format to use for exporting GL entries that is most compatible with your accounting software. Options include:
This button will create a set of sample accounts if no accounts have been setup under Accounting >> G/L Accounts.
This button will edit the Data Encryption Key used for Data Encryption Proocesses.

Ticket Sales Deferred Revenue Rollover Options

Day of Performance Moves money for the performance from Deferred to Sales on the day of the performance.
Day after Performance Moves money for the performance from Deferred to Sales on the day after the performance.
Day of First Performance Moves money for the play from Deferred to Sales on the day of the first performance.
Day after Last Performance Moves money for the play from Deferred to Sales on the day after the last performance date.
During year end rollover for next season Moves money for the play from Deferred to Sales on the during the year end rollover.

Default Sales Mode

Sale Adds transactions to the Accounts Receivable ledger immediately.
Reservation Only Financial transactions are not created in the general ledger until the order has one or more of the following events happen to it:
  • first payment is made on the order
  • the order contains a donation or anything else except tickets
  • a user un-clicks this option next time it is put on account.
  • The user tells the system to convert some or all orders from reservation only to real orders during end of day sales posting (it could depend on if the performances that the tickets are for has passed)

If you allow this feature, you may wish to set a preference for each employee for their default during order creation.

For emphasis, we recommended against this feature being enabled, as it is not strictly accrual basis accounting. It may not be acceptable to some auditors in the US (especially if over $5M in sales). It also means that inventory reports will be overstated by the amount in reservation only, compared to the sales and accounting reports.
Do not allow 'Reservation Only' Will prevent the 'Reservation Only' option from appearing at checkout. This is the PREFERRED option

Foreign Currency

Other Country This is where an optional country can be selected for accepted foreign currency when selling tickets. If the organization does not accept foreign currency, set the country to the "home" country.
Exchange Rate This is where the exchange rate for converting from the local currency to the currency of the foreign country is entered. If the organization does not accept foreign currency, set the exchange rate to 1.000000.

Export Format Options

If you are exporting your data to an external accounting package, ensure you have set up the External Account information in GL Account Setup . The software uses the External Account information as the default format for your accounting system.

Select the export format you want to use in the company preferences accounting tab

Export formats supported are to the right. They are explained in detail in the help pages that follow.

The GL Reports can only be exported once a day. The GL Entry is flagged as being exported when it is done via the EOD Wizard so it's not exported twice by mistake.

Tab Delimited

Tab Delimited Export Format

TM Tab Delimited File format works with most accounting packages and with Microsoft Excel.


Comma Delimited

Comma Delimited Export Format

TM Comma Delimited File format works with most accounting packages and with Microsoft Excel. Each field is separated by a comma.



Microsoft Excel

Excel Workbook 97-2004 creates a .xls export file that can be opened directly in Microsoft Excel versions 97 through 2004 with no need for conversion.

Excel Workbook 2008 creates a .xlsx export file that can be opened directly in Microsoft Excel 2008 and higher with no need for conversion.




Banner FINFEED creates an XML export file for use with the Banner financial package. If your organization uses Banner, then select this option.


HTE Software II

HTE Software II (HT2), G/L Interface File Structure

HTE Software II (HT2), G/L Interface File Structure creates a fixed position file format.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016

The Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 exports a tab-delimited text file containing an export line for each detail line within the G/L Entry. The deposit and sales posting are combined and exported within the same export file. This allows an exact match of each G/L Entry to crossover into Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 accounting software (line for line).


Parts of the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 Export File

Reference Journal Entry Reference Number. The Journal Number for this G/L Entry (SP-0005041, DP-0004318, GL-2021122)
Date The Journal Entry Date. The date is always in YYYYMMDD format.
Account Theatere Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Debit The Debit amount for this G/L Detail Line.
Credit The Credit amount for this G/L Detail Line.
Line Description The Journal Entry Description for this G/L Entry (Sales Posting, Deposit Posting).


Theatre Manager will create a comma-delimited text file (.csv) that can be used to import into iCity accounting software. iCity's ability to create unique funds, classes, departments, and objects for each GL account requires the setup of Theatre Manager's External Account field to be set in a specific format to accomodate the various aspects of the iCity export file, prior to performing the first export.


iCity Accounting Software - Detail

The iCity - Detail format will export each detail line within the G/L Entry. Each deposit and sales posting are exported as their own separate entry within the export file. This allows an exact match of each G/L Entry to crossover into iCity (line for line).


iCity Accounting Software - Summary

The iCity - Summary export creates a summarized version of the deposit and sales postings for each posting date. The deposit and sales postings lines are summarized into a single entry for each posting date within the export file.


Parts of the iCity Export File

Voucher ID A sequential Line Counter for each exported entry line. Line numbers begin at 1 and increment by 1 for each associated entry line.
Date The Journal Entry Date for this G/L Entry. The date will be in a YYYYMMDD format.
Fund An associated Fund Code to the Account Number. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Class An associated Class Code to the Account Number. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
GL Department / Category An associated Department/Category Code to the Account Number. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Object The iCity account number. Theatere Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Amount The debit amount (represented as a positive value) or the credit amount (represented as a negative value) of the transaction.
Description The memo text for this G/L Detail Line.
  • (detail export) The description or memo for this particular G/L transaction from Theatre Manager's journal entry.
  • (summary export) The description will be a combination of the GL Account Description and the summary level category such as Event Code, Fee Description, Donation Campaign, Pass Description, or Resource Description.
Cost Centre 1 An associated Cost Center ID to the Account Number.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

Cost Centre 2 An associated Cost Center ID to the Account Number.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

Cost Centre 3 An associated Cost Center ID to the Account Number.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.


Formatting the External Account Number

Theatre Manager's External Account number are required to be set up in a specific format to accomodate the various aspects of the iCity export file.

The format of the External Account varies based on the purpose of the GL Account. The format of this field is required to have a backslash (\) used as separator between fields. A leading or trailing backslash (\) for the External Account field should not be added.
  • (Accounts with No Fund, No Class, No Dept, Object) The field formation will be \\\A64220
  • (Accounts with Fund, No Class. No Dept, Object) The field formation will be F01\\\A64220
  • (Accounts with Fund, No Class, Dept, Object) The field formation will be F01\\D710000\A64220
  • (Accounts with Fund, Class, Dept, Object) The field formation will be F01\C2\D710000\A64220
  • (Accounts with No Fund, No Class, Dept, Object) The field formation will be \\D710000\A64220
  • (Accounts with No Fund, Class, No Dept, Object) The field formation will be \C2\\A64220
Fund F01 - A predefined Fund ID within iCity.
Class C2 - A predefined Class ID within iCity.
GL Department / Category D710000 - A predefined Department / Category ID within iCity.
Object A64220 - The account number that transactions get posted to.



MUNIS Systems

MUNIS Systems, Standard Long Account Format

MUNIS Systems, standard Long Account Format creates a .csv (text file, comma delimited) file that can be directly opened in MUNIS with no need for conversion.


QuickBooks Desktop

Quickbooks Online has a different IIF format than Quickbooks Desktop. Please refer the help page for the version of Quickbooks that you are using.

Neither version accepts the format of the other.

For step by step instructions on importing IIF files into QuickBooks, visit the QuickBooks Community at Learning how to import Intuit Interchange Format (.IIF) files into QuickBooks.


QuickBooks Desktop Pro - Detail

The QuickBooks - Detail export exports each detail line within the G/L Entry. Each deposit and sales posting are exported as their own separate entries within the export file. This allows an exact match of each GL entry to crossover into QuickBooks (line for line).


QuickBooks Desktop Pro - Summary

The QuickBooks - Summary export creates a summarized version of the deposit and sales postings for each posting date. The deposit and sales postings lines are summarized into a single entry for each posting date within the export file.


Parts of the QuickBooks Export File

TRNS The keyword for a transaction.
  • TRNS identifies the start of a new transacation.
  • SPL identifies each distribution line within a transacation.
  • ENDTRNS identifies the end of the existing transacation.
TRNSTYPE A keyword that identifies the type of transaction.
  • (2007-2018 export) It will default to Journal for General Journal transactions.
  • (2019 and later export) It will default to General Journal for General Journal transactions.
  • (detail export) The Journal Entry Date. The date is always in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • (summary export) The Journal Posting Date. The date is always in MM/DD/YYYY format.
ACCNT The name or account number of the QuickBook's account. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
QuickBooks is able to match on either Account Name or Account Number. Theatre Manager will place in the export file the contents of the External Account field.
If the QuickBooks account cannot be found, QuickBooks will automatically create the account during the import process.
CLASS The name of the class that applies to the transaction.
  • (ticket sales) The value will default to the Event Code.
  • (payments) The value will default to the Payment Method description as its defined in the Payment Methods Code Table.
AMOUNT The amount of the transaction. Debit amounts are always positive, credit amounts are always negative.
DOCNUM Journal Entry Reference Number.
  • (detail export) The Journal Number from the sales posting or deposit posting. i.e. SP-0005044, DP-0003855
  • (summary export) The combination of TM+yyyy+mm+dd based on the Journal Posting Date plus an extension of E+mm+dd+hh+mm+ss based on the E for exported and the exported date/time. For example, if the Journal Posting date was April 18, 2019 and the exported date was April 19, 2019 at 10:42:25am, the DOCNUM would be TM20190418-E0419104225.
MEMO The memo text associated with the transaction.
  • (detail export) The description or memo for this particular G/L transaction from Theatre Manager's journal entry.
  • (summary export) The description will identify the Journal Posting Date.
NAME The name of the Agency Vendor.
If QuickBook's has setup Vendor Name as a Sales Tax Agency for an account (i.e. tax collected account), the vendor name must be provided exactly as it was named in QuickBooks otherwise QuickBooks will reject the import file.


Vendor is a Sales Tax Agency

In QuickBooks, you may have set a Vendor as a Sales Tax Agency for your tax account(s).

If QuickBooks is set up in this manner, the following example illustrates how to set up the External Account description. It must be set as [AccountNameOrNumber]\[VendorName] where a backslash (\) separates the 2 fields.

During the export process, the External Account field will be automatically parsed into the 2 separate values for ACCNT and NAME when a backslash (\) is within the External Account field.

Common Questions

QB IIF: TRNSTYPE error - if you receive this error during the QuickBook's import process, it means you have set Theatre Manager to use the incorrect QuickBook's version that you are using. The TRNSTYPE, is a keyword that identifies the type of transaction.
  • (2007-2018 export) It will default to Journal for General Journal transactions.
  • (2019 and later export) It will default to General Journal for General Journal transactions.
The solution is to alter the QuickBook's Export version in the Account Export Formats to use the correct version.
QuickBooks has a requirement that a valid Customer/Vendor is included when posting to the built-in Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payment accounts. QuickBooks can not assign a receivable or a payable to 'nobody', it requires a Customer/Vender that is previously set up within QuickBooks.

The solution is as simple as avoiding any postings directly to the QuickBooks account types of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. Rather, create a separate standard (non A/R) asset account and call it (for example) "A/R for Theatre Manager" and separate liability account and call it (for example) "A/P for Theatre Manager" and reference those account numbers in Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) used to create the export file. This way, there is no need to maintain Customers/Payees/Vendors in the export file as these accounts are just standard Asset / Liability and not linked to a special account type.

This way when you import the amount into QuickBooks, it will go against the standard asset account and not against the built-in accounts receivable account in QuickBooks.

When you want to see the details that make up the "A/R for Theatre Manager" or the "A/P for Theatre Manager" account, go directly to Theatre Manager for the details, rather than QuickBooks.

To recap, create a standard Asset & and a standard Liability account to use to post to in QuickBooks.


QuickBooks Online

Quickbooks Desktop has a different IIF format than Quickbooks Online. Please refer the help page for the version of Quickbooks that you are using.

Neither version accepts the format of the other.

For step by step instructions on importing CSV or Excel files into QuickBooks, visit QuickBooks Support at Import Journal Entries in QuickBooks Online.
QuickBooks help may say to turn off account numbers in Quickbooks. DO NOT TURN THEM OFF.

While Quickbooks indicates is able to match on either Account Name or Account Number, it is simply too much effort to keep account name matching character for character. Theatre Manager places the contents of the External Account field in the export file.

This is the best to match TM accounts to Quickbooks using a field that generally should never change.


QuickBooks Online - Detail

The QuickBooks - Detail export exports each detail line within the G/L Entry. Each deposit and sales posting are exported as their own separate entries within the export file. This allows an exact match of each GL entry to crossover into QuickBooks (line for line).


QuickBooks Online - Summary

The QuickBooks - Summary export creates a summarized version of the deposit and sales postings for each posting date. The deposit and sales postings lines are summarized into a single entry for each posting date within the export file.


Parts of the QuickBooks Export File

JournalNo Journal Entry Reference Number.
  • (detail export) The Journal Number from the sales posting or deposit posting. i.e. SP-0008480, DP-0004536
  • (summary export) The combination of TM+yyyy+mm+dd based on the Journal Posting Date plus an extension of E+mm+dd+hh+mm+ss based on the E for exported and the exported date/time. For example, if the Journal Posting date was November 23, 2021 and the exported date was November 24, 2021 at 10:42:25am, the JournalNo would be TM20211123-E1124104225.
  • (detail export) The Journal Entry Date. The date is always in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • (summary export) The Journal Posting Date. The date is always in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Currency A valid Currency Code. Required for multi-currency databases.
Default Value: CAD or USD
Memo The Journal Entry Description for this G/L Entry (Sales Posting, Deposit Posting).
AccountName The name or account number of the QuickBook's account. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
QuickBooks is able to match on either Account Name or Account Number. Theatre Manager will place the contents of the External Account field in the export file which is used to match TM to Quickbooks.
QuickBooks requires all new accounts to be created before importing. Be sure to add them in your chart of accounts.
Debits The Debit Amount of the transaction.
Credits The Credit Amount of the transaction.
Description The memo text associated with the transaction.
  • (detail export) The description or memo for this particular G/L transaction from Theatre Manager's journal entry.
  • (summary export) The description will identify the Journal Posting Date.
Name The name of the Agency Vendor.
If QuickBook's has set Vendor Name as a Sales Tax Agency for an account (i.e. tax collected account), the vendor name must be provided exactly as it was named in QuickBooks otherwise QuickBooks will reject the import file.
Location The location of the transaction.
You can customize sales forms by Location to make it easier to track sales by a specific site.

Refer to QuickBooks Support to Turn on Location Tracking. For each transaction, you can assign 1 location only.
When providing a Location with the transaction, the Location must be provided exactly as it was named in QuickBooks otherwise QuickBooks will reject the import file.
Class The name of the class that applies to the transaction.
  • (ticket sales) The value will default to the Event Code.
  • (payments) The value will default to the Payment Method description as its defined in the Payment Methods Code Table.
Classes represent meaningful parts of your company, like store departments or product lines. You can use them to get deeper insights into your sales, expenses, or profitability for each part of your business.

Refer to QuickBooks Support to Turn on Class Tracking. For each transaction, you can assign 1 class only.
When providing a Class with the transaction, the Class must be provided exactly as it was named in QuickBooks otherwise QuickBooks will reject the import file.


Vendor is a Sales Tax Agency

In QuickBooks, you may have set a Vendor as a Sales Tax Agency for your tax account(s).

If QuickBooks is set up in this manner, the following example illustrates how to set up the External Account description. It must be set as [AccountNameOrNumber]\[VendorName]\[Location] where a backslash (\) separates the 3 fields.

During the export process, the External Account field will be automatically parsed into the 3 separate values for AccountName, Name, and Location when a backslash (\) is within the External Account field.


Location Tracking

In QuickBooks, you may have enabled Location tracking.

If QuickBooks is set up in this manner, the following example illustrates how to set up the External Account description. It must be set as [AccountNameOrNumber]\[VendorName]\[Location] where a backslash (\) separates the 3 fields.

During the export process, the External Account field will be automatically parsed into the 3 separate values for AccountName, Name, and Location when a backslash (\) is within the External Account field.


Common Questions

QuickBooks has a requirement that a valid Customer/Vendor is included when posting to the built-in Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payment accounts. QuickBooks can not assign a receivable or a payable to 'nobody', it requires a Customer/Vender that is previously set up within QuickBooks.

The solution is as simple as avoiding any postings directly to the QuickBooks account types of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. Rather, create a separate standard (non A/R) asset account and call it (for example) "A/R for Theatre Manager" and separate liability account and call it (for example) "A/P for Theatre Manager" and reference those account numbers in Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) used to create the export file. This way, there is no need to maintain Customers/Payees/Vendors in the export file as these accounts are just standard Asset / Liability and not linked to a special account type.

This way when you import the amount into QuickBooks, it will go against the standard asset account and not against the built-in accounts receivable account in QuickBooks.

When you want to see the details that make up the "A/R for Theatre Manager" or the "A/P for Theatre Manager" account, go directly to Theatre Manager for the details, rather than QuickBooks.

To recap, create a standard Asset & and a standard Liability account to use to post to in QuickBooks.


Sage 50 Accounting

Sage 50 Accounting Software

The Sage 50 Accounting Software exports each detail line within the G/L Entry. Each deposit and sales posting are exported as their own separate entry within the export file. This allows an exact match of each G/L Entry to crossover into Sage 50 Accounting (line for line).


Parts of the Sage 50 Export File - Header Record

Date The Journal Entry Date. The date is always in MM-DD-YY format.
Source Journal Entry Reference Number. The Journal Number from the sales posting or deposit posting will be exported. The field is limited to 13 characters.
Comment Journal Entry Description.
  • The combination of TM+Journal Entry Description from the sales posting or deposit posting will be exported. For example, if the Journal Description was 'Sales Posting' the Comment would be "TM-Sales Posting".
The field is limited to 39 characters.


Parts of the Sage 50 Export File - Detail Record

Account Number Theatere Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Amount The debit amount (represented as a positive value) or the credit amount (represented as a negative value) of the transaction.
Comment The memo text associated to this particular G/L transaction from Theatre Manager's journal entry. The field is limited to 160 characters.
Project Allocation The number of project allocation lines that follow this GL Account transation. The value will default to "0" as Theatre Manager will not be allocating the Amount for each Account Number.


Common Questions

Sage 50 has a requirement its data import routines are unable to import transactions that affect the linked Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll Advances, Vacation Payable, or Inventory accounts if you have finished entering history.

The solution is as simple as avoiding any postings directly to the Sage 50 account types of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. Rather, create a separate standard (non A/R) asset account and call it (for example) "A/R for Theatre Manager" and separate liability account and call it (for example) "A/P for Theatre Manager" and reference those account numbers in Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) used to create the export file.

This way when you import the amount into Sage 50, it will go against the standard Asset / Liability account and not against the built-in accounts receivable account in Sage 50.

When you want to see the details that make up the "A/R for Theatre Manager" or the "A/P for Theatre Manager" account, go directly to Theatre Manager for the details, rather than Sage 50.

To recap, create a standard Asset and standard Liability account to use to post to in Sage 50.


Sage Accpac

Sage Accpac Version 5.6

Sage ACCPAC Version 5.6 creates a .csv (text file comma delimited) file that can be opened directly in ACCPAC 5.6 and higher with no need for conversion.

Sage Intacct

Theatre Manager will create a comma-delimited text file (.csv) that can be used to import into Sage Intacct accounting software. Sage Intacct's ability to create unique accounts, locations, departments, and classes for each GL account requires the setup of Theatre Manager's External Account field to be set in a specific format to accomodate the various aspects of the Intacct export file, prior to performing the first export.


Sage Intacct

The Sage Intacct exports each detail line within the G/L Entry. Each deposit and sales posting are exported as their own separate entry within the export file. This allows an exact match of each G/L Entry to crossover into Intacct (line for line).


Parts of the Sage Intacct Export File

DONOTIMPORT Do Not Import flag - Any row which starts with a # will be ignored during the Intacct import.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

JOURNAL A valid Journal Type within Intacct representing the type of journal entry. The field is limited to 4 characters.
  • The value ARJ for Accounts Receivable Journal Entries, will be used for Sales Postings.
  • The value CRJ for Credit Receipts Journal Entries, will be used for Deposit Postings.
  • The value GJ for General Journal Entries, will be used for Manual G/L Entries.
DATE The Journal Entry Date for this G/L Entry. The date will be in a MM/DD/YYYY format.
DESCRIPTION The Journal Entry Description for this G/L Entry (Sales Posting, Deposit Posting). The field is limited to 80 characters.
REFERENCE_NO Journal Entry Reference Number. The Journal Number for this G/L Entry (SP-0001318, DP-0001255, GL-2020351).
LINE_NO A sequential Line Counter for each exported entry line. Line numbers begin at 1 and increment by 1 for each associated entry line. The Line Counter ID will reset back to 1 again for each new Sales Posting, Deposit Posting, or G/L Entry exported.
ACCT_NO The Intacct account number. Theatere Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
LOCATION_ID An associated Location ID to the Account Number. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
DEPT_ID An associated Department ID to the Account Number. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
GLENTRY_CLASSID An associated Class ID to the Account Number. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
DOCUMENT The Document Reference for this G/L Detail Line. The field is limited to 30 characters.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

MEMO The memo text for this G/L Detail Line. The field is limited to 1000 characters.
DEBIT The debit amount for this G/L Detail Line. A blank value is used for $0.00 amounts.
CREDIT The credit amount for this G/L Detail Line. A blank value is used for $0.00 amounts.
REVERSEDATE The Reverse Date for this G/L Entry. The date will be in a MM/DD/YYYY format.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

SOURCEENTITY Refers to a valid Location within Intacct. The field is limited to 20 characters.
Required only when the option to auto-create inter-entity transactions is enabled for journal entries and the journal entry is not balanced by location.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

CURRENCY A valid Currency ID within Intacct. The field is limited to 40 characters.
Any defined currency, such as USD or EUR; blank denotes base currency. Use only in multi-currency companies. This field defines the transaction currency. If no field is defined here, the system uses base currency.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

EXCH_RATE_DATE The Exchange Rate Date indicator for this G/L Entry. The date will be in a MM/DD/YYYY format.
Required field, unless the EXCHANGE_RATE is provided. Use only in multi-currency companies. This field determines the exchange rate as of this date.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

EXCH_RATE_TYPE_ID A valid Exchange Rate Type ID within Intacct. The field is limited to 40 characters.
Default Value: Intacct Daily Rate, unless a custom exchange rate is defined as the default.
Use only in multi-currency companies. Defines an optional custom exchange rate type. The system uses the Intacct Daily rate if no optional one is defined here.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

EXCHANGE_RATE The Exchange Rate for this G/L Entry. The field is limited to 17 characters, not including decimal point.
Defaults to the exchange rate of the CURRENCY on the EXCH_RATE_DATE for the EXCH_RATE_TYPE_ID. Must be a positive integer value.
Use only in multi-currency companies. Overrides the default exchange rate, which is the product of the CURRENCY, EXCH_RATE_DATE and EXCH_RATE_TYPE_ID.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

STATE The current State indicator for the G/L Entry.
  • Draft for draft state.
  • Posted(default if not supplied) for posted state.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

ALLOCATION_ID A valid Allocation ID within Intacct. The field is limited to 50 characters.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

BILLABLE The Billable for this G/L Entry.
  • T for billable.
  • F(default if not supplied) for non-billable.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

GLENTRY_CUSTOMERID A valid Customer ID within Intacct. The field is limited to 20 characters.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.

GLENTRY_VENDORID A valid Vendor ID within Intacct. The field is limited to 20 characters.

Theatre Manager does not populate this field during the export process.


Formatting the External Account Number

Theatre Manager's External Account number are required to be set up in a specific format to accomodate the various aspects of the Sage Intacct export file.

The format of the External Account varies based on the purpose of the GL Account. The format of this field is required to have a backslash (\) used as separator between fields. A leading or trailing backslash (\) for the External Account field should not be added.
  • (Accounts with No Location, No Dept, No Class) The field formation will be A23456789
  • (Accounts with Location, No Dept, No Class) The field formation will be A23456789\L2345
  • (Accounts with Location, Dept, No Class) The field formation will be A23456789\L2345\D23456
  • (Accounts with Location, Dept, Class) The field formation will be A23456789\L2345\D23456\C23456
  • (Accounts with No Location, Dept, No Class) The field formation will be A23456789\\D23456
  • (Accounts with No Location, No Dept, Class) The field formation will be A23456789\\\C23456
ACCT_NO A23456789 - The account number that transactions get posted to.
The format of this field is defined within Intacct. If Intacct's accounts include a dash (-), include this dash (-) in the C23456 formatting at the appropriate position. For example: 00-0000 or 000-000 or 0000-00 etc.
LOCATION_ID L2345 - A predefined Location ID within Intacct. This ID is only required if Intacct requires it when using this account number.
DEPT_ID D23456 - A predefined Department ID within Intacct. This ID is only required if Intacct requires it when using this account number.
GLENTRY_CLASSID C23456 - A predefined Class ID within Intacct. This ID is only required if Intacct requires it when using this account number.




Theatre Manager will create a Microsoft Excel file that can be used to import into Solomon Accounting Software. Solomon's ability to create unique company names, accounts, projects, tasks, and sub accounts for each GL account requires the setup of Theatre Manager's External Account field to be set in a specific format to accomodate the various aspects of the Solomon export file, prior to performing the first export.


Solomon Accounting Software

The Soloman Accounting Software exports each detail line within the G/L Entry. Each deposit and sales posting are exported as their own separate entry within the export file. This allows an exact match of each G/L Entry to crossover into Solomon (line for line).


Parts of the Solomon Export File

Company The 'company database' that transactions get posted to. This description is defined within Solomon and may not match anything within Theatre Manager.
Theatre Manager is able to maintain multiple company names that may be in Solomon. Theatre Manager will export the Company contained the External Account field.
Account A 5 digit account number. Theatere Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Project Project codes are setup within Solomon. Using Theatere Manager's External Account, the export process will create the Project code for each event's sales. Refer to the section The Project Field Format on this page for more information.
Only Ticketed Events have the ability to have project codes. This means Donations, Passes, Fees, Payments, Facility Projects, etc. will not have project codes.
Cafe, Lounges, Bar Sales, Movies, etc. may be setup as ticketed events, but may not always have a project associated with them. During the setup process of the External Account field, the GL accounts that do not have a project associated with them, will not have a Location or Event Type code assigned to them.
Task A 4 digit number. Task numbers are setup in Solomon.
  • (Project) The value will default to the 0000.
  • (non-Project) The value will default to a blank field.
Sub A 6 digit sub account number. Sub account numbers are setup in Solomon.
Ref Nbr Journal Entry Reference Number. The Journal Number from the sales posting or deposit posting will be exported.
Date The Journal Entry Date. The date is always in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Debit Amount The debit amount of the transaction.
Credit Amount The credit amount of the transaction.
Description The memo text associated to this particular G/L transaction from Theatre Manager's journal entry. The field is limited to 30 characters.
Reconcillation,Status A reference to the reconcillation status for the bank deposit. This field is defaulted to aide in validating and importing data into Solomon.
  • (Cash Type transactions) The value will default to the Cleared.
  • (Non-Cash Type transactions) The value will default to a blank field.
Clear Date The date the transaction is cleared in Solomon. The date is always in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • (Cash Type transactions) The value will default to the Date column.
  • (Non-Cash Type transactions) The value will default to a blank field.


Formatting the External Account Number

Theatre Manager's External Account number requires to be set up in a specific format to accomodate the various aspects of the Solomon export file.

The format of the External Account varies based on the purpose of the GL Account. The format of this field is required to have a period (.) used as separator between fields. A leading or trailing period (.) for the External Account field should not be added.
  • (Events with Projects) The field formation will be A23456789.B2345.C23456.L2.T2
  • (Events with No Projects) The field formation will be A23456789.B2345.C23456
  • (Cash Type Transactions) The field formation will be A23456789.B2345.C23456.CASH
Company A23456789 - The 'company database' that transactions get posted to.
Account B2345 - A 5 digit account number.
Sub C23456 - A 6 digit sub account number.
The format of this field is defined within Solomon. If Solomon's sub accounts include a dash (-), include this dash (-) in the C23456 formatting at the appropriate position. For example: 00-0000 or 000-000 or 0000-00 etc.
Location L2 - A 2 digit code representing the Location where the event is taking place.
Event Type T2 - A 2 character code representing the Type of Event.
Cash Type Transaction CASH - Include CASH to represent this is a Cash Type account number.


The Project Field Format

Theatre Manager will create a Project code using the following contents:

The format of the Project field will always be Y234-L2-T2-E2345 using a dash (-) as a field separator.
Program Year Y234 - The Event Season starting year assigned to the Event in Theatre Manager.
Location L2 - The 2 digit code representing the Location where the event is taking place, as defined in the External Account for the Event.
Event Type T2 - The 2 character code representing the Type of Event, as defined in the External Account for the Event.
Event # E2345 - A 5 digit number representing the Event Sequence Number assigned to the event by Theatre Manager.


Unit4 Business World

Theatre Manager will create a fixed position text file (.txt) that can be used to import into Unit4 Business World accounting software. Unit4 Business World's ability to create unique accounts, locations, departments, and classes for each GL account requires the setup of Theatre Manager's External Account field to be set in a specific format to accomodate the various aspects of the Unit4 Business World export file, prior to performing the first export.


Unit4 Business World

The Unit4 Business World (formerly Agresso Financials) exports each detail line within the G/L Entry. This allows an exact match of each G/L Entry to crossover into Unit4 Business World (line for line).


Parts of the Unit4 Business World Export File

Batch Name A pre-defined Batch Name identifier within Unit4 Business World representing the source of the journal entry. The field is limited to 7 characters.
Default Value: ARTSMAN

(to represent ArtsMan / Arts Management Systems Ltd.)
Transaction Series A pre-defined Transaction Series code within Unit4 Business World representing the type of journal entry.
Default Value: TMTMGLSA

(where TM is representing Theatre Manager)
GL Account Code The Unit4 Business World account number. Theatere Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Cost Centre Mandatory - A valid Cost Centre within Unit4 Business World. The field is limited to 4 characters. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Project Optional - A valid Project within Unit4 Business World. The field is limited to 16 characters. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Location Optional - A valid Location within Unit4 Business World. The field is limited to 8 characters. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Payment Type Optional - A valid Payment Type within Unit4 Business World. The field is limited to 11 characters. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
If this is a deposit posting (DP-0001255) and a value is supplied, it maps to specific payment types (VS, MC, AMEX, etc.) within Unit4 Business World.
If this is a sales posting (SP-0001318, GL-2020351) and a value is supplied, it applies to specific revenue items to identify the type of revenue. Unit4 Business World uses this field for duo purposes depending on the GL Account being referenced.
Fund Mandatory - A valid Fund within Unit4 Business World. The field is limited to 4 characters. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Revenue Type Optional - A valid Revenue Type within Unit4 Business World. The field is limited to 8 characters. Theatre Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Currency A valid Currency Type ID within Unit4 Business World. The field is limited to 4 characters.
Default Value: CAD or USD
Data Type Sets a preference value used during the import process to allow the import routines to know the Data Types that will be included within the import tables.
This field is set to the default value of 0.
Amount in Local Currency The amount of the transaction. Debit amounts are always positive, credit amounts are always negative.
Amount in Local Currency if converted to Foreign Currency The amount of the transaction. Debit amounts are always positive, credit amounts are always negative.
Use only in multi-currency companies. This field determines the exchange amounts for the Period Start and Period End dates.

Theatre Manager sets this value to be the same as the Amount in Local Currency.

Account Description The G/L Account Description for this G/L Account. The field is limited to 50 characters.
Period Start The Journal Entry Date for this G/L Entry. The date will be in a YYYYMMDD format.
Period End The Journal Entry Date for this G/L Entry. The date will be in a YYYYMMDD format.


Formatting the External Account Number

Theatre Manager's External Account number are required to be set up in a specific format to accomodate the various aspects of the Unit4 Business World export file.

The format of the External Account varies based on the purpose of the GL Account. The format of this field is required to have a backslash (\) used as separator between fields. A leading backslash (\) for the External Account field should not be added.
  • (Accounts with all fields provided) The field formation will be 4190\3205\112204\999\888\777\100
  • (Accounts with GL, Cost Centre, Fund) The field formation will be 4190\3205\\\\\100
  • (Accounts with GL, Cost Centre, Payment Type, Fund) The field formation will be 4190\3205\\\\VS\100
GL Account Code 4190 - The account number that transactions get posted to. The account number is mandatory.
Cost Centre 3205 - A predefined Cost Centre within Unit4 Business World. This ID is mandatory.
Project 112204 - A predefined Project within Unit4 Business World. This ID is optional.
Location 999 - A predefined Location within Unit4 Business World. This ID is optional.
Revenue Type 888 - A predefined Revenue Type within Unit4 Business World. This ID is optional.
Payment Type 777 - A predefined Payment Type within Unit4 Business World. This ID is optional.
Fund 100 - A predefined Fund within Unit4 Business World. This ID is mandatory.

