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  • This page allows patrons to login to the online sales in order to complete a transaction within Theatre Manager.
  • By logging in to the online sales Theatre Manager can attach the patrons purchase to their patron record within the database.
  • This is the mandatory initial page for all online sales when Allow Anonymous Login is not selected in the Company Preferences Web Options tab
  • The Allow Anonymous Login, when selected in the Company Preferences Web Options tab
    • causes the Browse Anonymously button to appear on the login page, which the patron uses to search for events without identifying themselves -and-
    • allows a web developer to redirect the patron using specific URLs to almost any starting page.
The Forgot my password button takes the patron to a web page where they can request their password to be re-sent to them.

Alternatively, if the patron is unable to do this for any reason, the box office can initiate a password reset from the patron window



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