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Theatre Manager 9.01 Released

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Version 9.01 has been released for all current users of Version 9. See the full notes about Version 9.01 or read further for a summary

Key Changes in Version 9.01.02

The key enhancements in this version are the introduction of:

  • A key fix to the web listener that deals with one possible security issue that should be dealt with as soon as possible.
  • an easy way to include google analytics code in your web pages and e-blasts.
  • the Hot Seat Analyzer that lets you find which seats are worth more to you and adjust prices accordingly
  • Most of the rest of the changes are minor bug fixes and enhancements since 9.00 was introduced

A final note for everybody. Theatre Manager underwent PA DSS 1.2 compliance audit on June 10 & 11 and we have received word that Security Metrics has finished testing and will submit Theatre Manager to the PCI council as an approved application. We are awaiting confirmation from PCI of acceptance.