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Address Tab

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This tab is used to store address information for a patron.

Parts of the Address Tab

Location The location for the patron information. This is a customizable field. Click here to edit the options.
Addr-Line 1 Patrons street address or P.O. Box.
Addr-Line 2 Additional line for patron address details if needed.
Addr-City City of the address.
Province Province or state of the address.
Postal Code Postal code or zip code of the address.
Country Country of the address.
Opens the patron contact card. Click here to learn more about the contact card.
Clicking Add, opens a flyout to select the address type you want to add (Home, Others, Summer, Winter, Work). Making a selection, opens the Contact Card with the correct tab for that address added for data entry. Click here to learn more about the contact card.
Removes an address from the patrons record.
Changes the primary address for the patron. The primary address is recognized by the symbol.
Highlighting a patron's address in the window changes the display to show the number of miles/kilometers from the patron's home to the address set in Company Preferences. The calculated distance will replace the existing text and now display like this: